Weird news: Man in India marries dog as atonement

Goodness, I have never heard such a news before – man marrying a dog !!!!And I wonder what he is gonna do with his new family (@#$%!^&)


·         This groom has stoned two dogs to death some 15 yrs ago and hung their bodies (How cruel of this person.. Was he a psycho?)

·         And then he relates his paralysis and his deafness to the crime that he did (Is he being silly here?)

·         As a reparation for what he did 15 yrs ago, he married a dog. (poor bride or the groom)

·         News says groom and his family then had a feast, while the dog got a bun.


I don’t know if I should blame the man first or the media. The man of course did a irrevocable crime to the dogs which he killed and hung to death. But then can people be so blind fold and superstitious that he marries a dog as a penance? I hate Indian myths for this. And now we have the media publishing such news all around in papers and internet to spread the news. If this man gets cured (for whatever reason it is), very soon we will see other Indians marrying more dogs, cows, trees, rocks. Few days back, it was the bollywood actress marrying a Peepal tree.


There can be nothing more ridiculous than this news itself. Are people bringing down the value of marriage here or the animals? Don’t you think such foolish acts by humans is more cruel that killing these animals!!






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