Akshayapathram of chocolates

I just love the way how chocolates come to our home again and again at our home sweet home. Both me and my hero are crazy about chocolates (except peanut chocolates). Sankar and I keep accounts on how much one person eats and how much more each of us is eligible forJ. With chocolates in front of us, we no longer have the understanding and sacrificing mentality as husband and wife.
We had been to Costco wholesale and got two boxes of almond chocolates. The chocolates got over and mean coincidentally I had been to Rite Aid where there was sale for almond joyJ I had the same sweet smile on my face as I bought four packets this time. We are just done with one packet of almond joy when Saroja paatti and thatha got us a box of truffini chocolates today J
I have learned that eating a lot of chocolates are not good for health, but I have learned to forget those lessons also J. I pray that chocalte box remain like an akshayapathram (a vessel that never gets empty 🙂
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1 Response to Akshayapathram of chocolates

  1. Collene Gengler says:

    I really love to eat chocolates specially dark chocolate because they taste sweet and special. “`,..

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