Holding the hands of your spouse can relieve you from stress

I came across this wonderful article Holding Hands for Healing and thought I should share it with you all. In a study of happily married couples, psychology experts from the University of Virginia found that holding hands with their spouse reduced stress.
I can bet this is so much of true from my personal experience. When I am in one of those ‘no reason depressed’ days, being next to my hero, holding his hands and leaning on his shoulder de-stresses me so much. Recently I can see that the word ‘relaxed’ is kind of fading from my dictionary. And I believe holding hands with my hero is the secret ‘tantra-mantra’ to de-stress.
It need not be a spouse all the time. For every one of us, there is always that one person who can do miracles to us. This can be your dad, mom, sister, brother, teacher, friend, co-worker or who ever. Anytime you feel depressed or lonely or stressed out,, just be with this special person and their presence will make you feel so much better. And don’t forget to hold their hands J Research has proved that it will de-stress you.
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