Instead of keyboard…

Instead of getting into IT field, I think I should have chosen dentistry as my career. I had a recent dental health check up in one of the clinics here in Bellevue. A mouth full of x-rays were taken for analysis. (Bhoom .. that costs $200 bucks). Doc came in, gave me a beautiful welcome smile (maybe he knew, I am gonna be a prospective client) and started teaching me all about dentistry. In between, he kept on passing comments like “Don’t go by your insurance chart. Dental health plays a major role in your life. You better take care of your dental health today than regret tomorrow). Finally he started with his proposed “project plan”. He recommended that I remove all of my four wisdom tooth. He proposed deep cleansing of each quadrants in my mouth (!!!). Looks like I have cavities in lot of places, which needs to be removed. Some of this might need filling and even a crown. He recommended two more root canals for me and finally advised me some cosmetic surgery (he said one of my tooth is showing some cracks which might break very soon, probably in next 20 yrs).


Well, after hearing all these, I asked the doc to give me a rough estimate. With another beautiful warm smile, he handed over a 4 page “document” to me. I turned the pages to the end and it read $14,450. God, am in dreaming!!!. The doctor’s assistant helped me from fainting and consoled me saying this $14,450 need not be an immediate “investment” and they can work with me over next 2-3 yrs in this “project”.


Now I really wish I had chosen dentistry as my subject. I never knew it is such an easy path to earn $$$






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4 Responses to Instead of keyboard…

  1. madhavi says:

    WOW girl!

  2. Prathiraj says:

    wow…choose well which ones you should treat first. Regarding removing the wisdom tooth, almost every doctor suggest to remove the wisdom teeth, because of the fact they are very difficult to take care of, very painful to correct if anything goes wrong. It is also very difficult for the doctor to work on these teeth. I\’d take care of my teeth than to remove them 😉

  3. Reena says:

    Its a common practice for the docs here to ask the wisdom teeth to be removed. If they are not having any cavities and are not bothering you, continue taking care of them and if needed try getting them removed in India. It cost me 1/10th of the charges.

  4. Gomathi says:

    Well. for that matter, none of the tooth hurts me as of now. So I have decided to do just the deep quadrant cleansing and postpone the rest till I go to India. Things are much easier and less expensive there. I love my country.

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