My lil Garden

I have always wanted a big garden in my home.. After wedding, this kind of took a twist coz my hero is not fond of flowers. He feels I am wasting a good lot of money, energy and time on some colors. But of late, I have been successful in injecting some flower thoughts to my hero. So here we go for our first shopping on plants. I got some common less expensive plants and some seeds. Hero helped me but some pots and get some good soil.
Today I got some pictures from my “garden” (J). They are not great and need some edits. Remember whenever you take a picture of flower – try to take it in an angle which is not the usual human eye angle. We look at flowers from top and see inside the flower. You can try to take the photo with an angle (where the lens captures the sight which is not common to human eye). Your flower might look really beautiful. Black background usually works good. I hung my hero’s coat behind to get this view.
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